Wild Alaska Halibut
- Sweet, delicate flavor
- Firm and flaky texture
- Pure, snow-white flesh
- Average weight is 25 pounds
- Generally marketed in fletch (fillet) or steak forms
- Roasts and halibut cheeks are also available
preparation tips:
- Maintains its shape and is suitable for all types of cooking methods and ethnic applications
- Great for grilling or roasting
nutrition facts:
- A naturally lean fish
- A good source of potassium and magnesium
- Low in overall calories, fat and sodium
Serving Size 3.5 oz./100
- Calories 140
- Protein (g) 27
- Fat (g) 3
- Saturated Fat (g) <0.5
- Sodium (mg) 70
- Cholesterol (mg) 40
- Omega-3 (mg) 460
Harvesting Seasons:
- Available fresh from March through mid-November, and frozen year-round