Wild Alaska Cod
(Pacific Cod,True Cod, or Grey Cod)
- The fillets are moist and firm
- A distinctive large flake
- Slightly sweet flavor
- A member of the family Gadidae – related to both Alaska Pollock and Atlantic cod
- Has an average weight of 5 to 10 pounds
- Commonly sold as skinless, boneless fillets or portions
preparation tips:
- Due to its firm texture, it adapts well to most cooking methods
- It can be roasted, poached, steamed, sautéed, or deep-fried for fish and chips
- Perfectly complemented by a vast array of sauces
harvesting methods:
- Trawling
- Longlining
- Pot Fishing
- Jig Fishing
nutrition facts:
- A naturally lean fish
- A good source of potassium and magnesium
- Low in overall calories, fat and sodium
Serving Size 3.5 oz./100
- Calories 100
- Protein (g) 23
- Fat (g) <1
- Saturated Fat (g) <0.5
- Sodium (mg) 90
- Cholesterol (mg) 45
- Omega-3 (mg) 280
Harvesting Seasons:
- Available fresh fall and winter, and frozen year-round
- -Fishing may be subject to sporadic openings and closings