Other Wild Alaska Shellfish
Other delicious and nutritious Alaska Shelfish are available throughout the year. Alaska's harvest of bivalve shellfish has expanded significantly over the past decade as the dive fishery opened up new geoduck clam beds and new oyster and mussel farms develop. Meanwhile, sustainably managed fisheries on shrimp, razor clams, and sea cucumbers continue to provide a wide array of high quality shellfish products for global markets.
Wild Alaska Geoduck Clams
- Divers harvest the world's largest
burrowing clams by hand using hoses to soften the substrate - Harvest season : September-April
- jan★
- feb★
- mar★
- apr★
- may
- jun
- jul
- aug
- sep★
- oct★
- nov★
- dec★
Alaska Oysters and Mussels
- Oysters are grown in trays and nets, while mussels are hung from rafts
- Harvest season : January-December
- jan★
- feb★
- mar★
- apr★
- may★
- jun★
- jul★
- aug★
- sep★
- oct★
- nov★
- dec★
Wild Razor Clams
- Razor clams are harvested by hand
- Harvest season : May-September
- jan
- feb
- mar
- apr
- may★
- jun★
- jul★
- aug★
- sep★
- oct
- nov
- dec
Wild Sea Cucumbers
- Divers harvest these shellfish by hand
- Harvest season : September-December
- jan
- feb
- mar
- apr
- may
- jun
- jul
- aug
- sep★
- oct★
- nov★
- dec★
- Shrimp are harvested in pot and trawl fisheries
- Harvest season : September-March
- jan★
- feb★
- mar★
- apr
- may
- jun
- jul
- aug
- sep★
- oct★
- nov★
- dec★